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Unions Are A Voice!
When workers come together as one group, they give themselves a voice in the workplace—just like management has—through wages, benefits, and work rules guaranteed by a contract. Without a union and a contract, your rights on the job can be overlooked and your working conditions can be changed simply at the whim of management (reduced wages, changed hours or work locations.
Opportunity For A Better Life!
Unions offer a wide range of opportunities and benefits to workers at work and in their personal lives. Increased work-life-balance leads to a better way of life.
The IBEW’s goal is to support workers and ensure that they have a say in decisions that affect them in the workplace. We have helped workers to negotiate: Apprenticeship, Career Training,
Career Advancement, Paid Leave, Negotiated Schedules, Health Care and Retirement.
We know that there’s strength in numbers and have a proven path to help get results. By securing good wages, solid benefits and safer job sites, our union helps build a better road to the middle class.
Overall, joining a union can provide workers with a multitude of opportunities and benefits that they may not be able to achieve on their own.
Job Security!
Unions offer a wide range of opportunities and benefits to workers at work and in their personal lives. Increased work-life-balance leads to a better way of life.
The IBEW’s goal is to support workers and ensure that they have a say in decisions that affect them in the workplace. We have helped workers to negotiate: Apprenticeship, Career Training,
Career Advancement, Paid Leave, Negotiated Schedules, Health Care and Retirement.
We know that there’s strength in numbers and have a proven path to help get results. By securing good wages, solid benefits and safer job sites, our union helps build a better road to the middle class.
Overall, joining a union can provide workers with a multitude of opportunities and benefits that they may not be able to achieve on their own.
Strong Retirement!
“The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income.”
–George Foreman
The news is full of stories about workers who can not save for their retirement. Union members negotiate diversified retirement programs that are protected by law. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following:
“Ninety-four percent of civilian union workers and 67 percent of nonunion workers had access to retirement benefits through their employer in March 2019. Access means the benefit is available to employees, regardless of whether they chose to participate. Eighty-five percent of union workers and 51 percent of nonunion workers participated in an employer-sponsored retirement benefit plan. The take-up rate—the share of workers with access who participate in the plan—was 90 percent for union workers and 77 percent for nonunion workers.” — From a BLS report entitled “Union workers more likely than nonunion workers to have retirement benefits in 2019”
Better Pay!
Labor unions improve wages and working conditions for all workers, whether they are union members or not. Unions help reduce wage gaps for women workers and workers of color.
Union members have better job safety protections and better paid leave than non-union workers, and are more secure exercising their rights in the workplace.” — US Department of Labor
Can You Afford To Get Sick?
Union health benefits are important for providing workers with access to quality, affordable health care. Union contracts often provide workers with access to employer-sponsored health care plans that are paid in full or partially subsidized, making them more affordable than individual plans. Employer-sponsored health care plans can also provide more comprehensive coverage than individual plans, allowing union workers to access the care they need without worrying about costs. Union health benefits are also important for promoting job security, as workers are often more likely to stay with a company that provides them with access to quality health care.
-30 more union workers participate in employer sponsored healthcare plans-
Recently a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated, “Eighty-four percent of union workers and 54 percent of nonunion workers participated in an employer-sponsored healthcare plan.” in a report titled, “Union workers more likely than nonunion workers to have healthcare benefits in 2019”
IBEW Apprenticeship
The electrical training ALLIANCE (previously called NJATC) was created over 70 years ago as a joint electrical apprenticeship program between the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) aimed at training the best electrical workers the industry has to offer. Today, the electrical training ALLIANCE has developed into the largest apprenticeship and training program of its kind, having trained over 350,000 apprentices to journeyman status through local affiliate programs.
A Model Program
Over the years, we have continually trained the best craftsperson in the industry without cost to the taxpayers. Students in the electrical training ALLIANCE training programs earn while they learn by doing apprenticeships. Not only does this allow students to earn an income while in school, it also creates new tax revenue for the economy. Each year, participants in the electrical training ALLIANCE programs pay in excess of six hundred million dollars in taxes. This is truly a model program as it takes little to nothing from the taxpayers while training some of the most productive workers in the world who thereby pay tremendous dollars to the country.
Members Strong
Apprentices Trained
Apprenticeship – Earn While you learn
There are four specialty areas where you will find electrical workers.
Outside Linemen- install the distribution and transmission lines that move power from the plant to a factory, a business, or home.
Inside Wiremen-install the power, lighting, controls and other electrical equipment in commercial and industrial buildings.
VDV Installer Technicians-install circuits and equipment for telephones, computer networks, video distribution systems, security and access control systems and other low voltage systems.
Residential Wiremen-specialize in installing all of the electrical systems in single-family and multi-family houses or dwellings.